Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"This Changes Everything" Book Trailer

It is standard operating procedure for me to run around and tell me friends that the current book I am reading is "great," "excellent," and--sometimes--"the best book I have ever read." Well, Naomi Klein's third book, "This Changes Everything" is all of that and more. It has changed my approach to my clicktivism.*

She will be releasing a film on the subject in 2015. I am both excited and thoroughly depressed. Only a book like "This Changes Everything" can do that.
* Being a combination of old, lazy, scared, and--as far as state politics goes--bound by my duties as a Confidential Employee of the State of California, I am not much of an activist. I sign petitions and give money to Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, W.E.A.V.E., Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, as well as political groups and movements like Occupy, Lawrence Lessig's Mayday SuperPAC, along with supporting Bernie Sanders and being a dues-paying member of the Democratic Socialists of America. But I do not put myself between riot police and fellow protesters, nor do I chain myself to equipment to prevent/slowdown development of drilling, fracking, and other destructive actions. For that, I can't help but feel ashamed.

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